Early Years Foundation Stage
Children entering Durham School Dubai in EYFS start Foundation Stage 1 in the September after their third birthday. The Early Years Foundation Stage is a two-year phase. Teaching assistants support the class teachers in the delivery of the curriculum and specialist teachers deliver carousel activities in Art, Music and Computing, as well as an informal approach to Arabic. The children in Foundation Stage will also love visiting the Library each week.
The children have a dedicated play area featuring a range of activities, including wheeled vehicles, keeping them fully occupied at break times! Our talented and experienced staff provide a range of changing outdoor play activities such as water, sand, mark making and small world. The learning environments are a hive of activity providing the children with a range of multi-sensory activities. Display areas celebrate the children’s work across all curriculum areas. All classrooms have interactive whiteboards to support the children’s learning; these offer ways to support and consolidate day to day skills and allow access to the world outside through interactive websites.